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Kirby 3.9.8


Crops the image by the given width and height

$file->crop(int $width, ?int $height = null, string|array $options = null): Kirby\Cms\FileVersion|Kirby\Cms\File


Name Type Default
$width * int
$height int|null null
$options string|array null

Return type


Parent class



if($image = $page->image()):
    // crop into a square of 300 x 300
    echo $image->crop(300);

    // crop by height as well
    echo $image->crop(300, 200);

    // adjust the quality
    echo $image->crop(300, 200, 70);

Crop positions

You can define from which side or corner a file should be cropped. The following crop options are available:

  • top left
  • top
  • top right
  • left
  • center
  • right
  • bottom left
  • bottom
  • bottom right

This is how to use the crop positions in your code:

// quick and simple
$image->crop(100, 200, 'top right');

// more fine grained control
$image->crop(100, 200, [
'quality' => 70,
'crop' => 'left'