How to configure the popular and simple Caddy v2 web server to run a Kirby website.
A step-by-step guide for deploying Kirby projects via GitHub actions and FTP to staging and production environments
Use Kirby and 11ty to generate a headless kiosk application hat works offline.
How to add CSS or JS files to your templates, for example to implement an image slider
Dynamic creation of Open Graph images for social sharing
Set up coding style standards and fix violations automatically with configurable tools that are easy to implement.
Learn the basics of modifying our core blocks and creating your own from scratch
If you don't like the slightly rounded corners of Kirby's new Panel design, here's how to revert this change
Boost your website's performance with resized images that adapt to all screen sizes and save bandwidth
Prepare Kirby for headless use.
Using a JSON representation to auto-populate your Figma designs with content from your Kirby installation
Lazy-loading strategies to improve the performance of your site
Understanding the advantages of the media folder and how to serve files from the content folder if you prefer.
Extend core classes like the Kirby or site classes
Adapt the Panel's look & feel to your brand
Translate Kirby's exception messages on the frontend in single language sites
Leveraging Kirby's authentication features to create a user registration system
Display a nice auto-generated image when linking to PDF flyers, booklets etc.
A clean and simple way to get Kirby up and running with Dokku, a lightweight PaaS
Create blueprints programmatically with PHP
Create an editable product list as custom Panel area, complete with dialogs, dropdowns and search.
Create your first custom Panel view from scratch
Flexible and reliable updates to large amounts of content
A walkthrough on how to install and use PurgeCSS with Kirby.
A walkthrough on how to install and use Tailwind CSS with Kirby.
How to use the same template/controller/model for pages with different blueprints
Learn how to update file metadata programmatically
This is an example of how to build a nested block including live panel preview and output snippets for the website.
Use files from outside of Kirby’s file system as first class citizens
Creating a download section with restricted access for authorized users
How to configure the popular Nginx web server to run a Kirby website.
Start your own block collection based on examples in this recipe
Getting started with Docker for development: Quickly spin up Kirby in a Docker container, bind local directories and add other services like MailHog
Create virtual pages from a set of uploaded images and their meta data.
Using bundlers like kirbyup is not for everyone. Here we show how you can build Panel extensions without a build process.
A step-by-step guide to creating custom blocks with a preview using the example of an audio block with a poster and some additional settings.
Add a load more button to your listings and append items via Ajax.
Understanding classes, objects, member functions and common pitfalls
"Don't repeat yourself" (DRY) is a coding paradigm that when not heeded can seriously harm performance.
Update a blocks field from the frontend, for example from form data
Set up custom components to deliver assets and files through a CDN.
Xdebug helps you track down errors in your PHP scripts. In this recipe, we will set it up with VS Code.
Make email testing a breeze with the right tools for the task
Find and collect all your translations used with the t() helper function in your code.
Style Panel elements via blueprint settings and custom CSS
Find out about ways to fine-tune and go beyond Kirby's built-in permission system in the Panel
Set up a plugin workflow that allows you to both develop and test your plugin from the same Git repository.
Create your first custom Panel field from scratch
Share the content of a controller across multiple templates
Control caching from a blueprint option or a field
An alternative approach for running multiple sites from the same Kirby installation.
When to use what type of KirbyText/KirbyTags hook
Use placeholders for recurring text snippets and more
Let's build a custom Panel section
Create custom menus from the Panel leveraging the power of the pages and the structure field
Or what you wish you had known when you started your first Kirby project.
Set up multiple plugins with PHPUnit testing under a single Kirby installation.
Send an email with attachments from form input.
Auto-generate subpages when you create a new page
Create pages from user input on the front end, e.g. from an event registration form.
Get text labels for your option values from fields
Split long post into separate pages with pagination
Learn how to filter using routes instead of parameters
Find the development environment that fits your needs.
Make language translations more powerful with placeholders.
Create a basic contact form that sends HTML or plain text emails.
Learn more about the hidden gems and secrets in our own website.
Install and update Kirby via Composer.
Install and update Kirby via Git
Automatically create a sitemap for search engines.
Use Kirby's API to sort your content by all sorts of criteria.
Write scripts to import and export translations for external translators.
Log in to other sites with your domain via RelMeAuth/IndieAuth.
When developing, debugging helps identify errors more easily.
Add columns to your textarea fields with this KirbyTag plugin.
Set a unique title for the homepage.
Simulate activity on your site by showing random content.
Remove unused fields from content files
How to enforce URLs with or without trailing slashes
Auto-replace headlines with anchors and generate a table of contents
Filter pages, files and users with Kirby's extensive filtering methods.
Classify content and make it easy for visitors to find related content.
Group collections like articles, events or files by various criteria.
Build relations between articles using YAML content and the pages field.
Learn how to build a simple search for your site or sections of your site.
Add structured data like addresses, events, etc. to your site.
Split visitors into groups to compare how different versions perform.
Extend existing KirbyTags in custom tags with less hassle.
Learn how to upload files through a frontend form.
Prevent fallback to default language if no translated content exist.
Define language variables the way you need them.
Set up Dropbox sync for your site (VPS or dedicated server required).
Add basic Twitter and Facebook buttons to your site.
Use Kirby’s authentication system to build login-protected pages.
Update your file meta data for Kirby 3.
Adapt your existing plugins to Kirby 3's new plugin system.
Learn how to upgrade an existing project to Kirby 3.
Move your Kirby 2 user accounts over to Kirby 3.
Run multiple sites from the same Kirby installation.
Serve a single page of your site on its own separate domain.
Redirect visitors to external resources.
Add custom CSS and JavaScript to style individual pages without the need for additional templates.
Tie pages to a person. Create an author system for your blog posts.
Access blueprints and use this data to control your logic.
Set up a blog system with an overview, articles, tags, feeds and more.
Create different templates for different kinds of content.
Create a JSON representation of your blog content in Kirby.
Foreach loops are control structures useful in many contexts.
Create any kind of menu you need for your project.
Create a one-pager for small companies or simple portfolios.
Use pagination to divide content into a list of digestible chunks.
Learn some PHP basics that make creating templates a breeze.
Create a previous/next navigation for your site.
Structure your content in the most flexible way with custom fields.
Use dates in your content files and output different date formats.