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Kirby 3.9.8


Access key meta data about the installation and site in any Panel component.

The Panel provides a range of meta data information about the current Panel view, the Kirby installaiton and the site itself. In most places, you will be able to accessthis information directly through its key, e.g. as this.$config. In contexts wherethis is not possible, you can still access the information via window.panel, e.g. window.panel.$config.

  <p v-if="$license">This thing is registered</p>

export default {
  computed: {
    somethingFromTheCurrentView() {
      return this.$view.props.myProp;


Key Description
debug Debug mode (bool)
kirbytext Kirbytext active (bool)
search Settings for Panel search (object with keys limit and type)
translation Default Panel UI language (locale string, e.g. en)
  <div v-if="$config.debug">
    This only shows wehn debug mode is active


ltr (left-to-right) or rtl (right-to-left) depending on the currently viewed language.


Info on the currently active language for a model's content.

Key Description
code Locale code
default Ifthis is the site's default language (bool)
direction Whether ltr or rtl (right-to-left)
name Name of the content language
rules Conversion rules into ASCII-only characters


All available languages for site content.

Key Description
code Locale code
default Ifthis is the site's default language (bool)
direction Whether ltr or rtl (right-to-left)
name Name of the content language
rules Conversion rules into ASCII-only characters


Whether the site is a multilang installation or not (bool).


Info on the available permissions for the current user.



Key Description
ascii General conversion rules into ASCII-only characters
csrf Current CSRF token
isLocal Whether the site is installed locally
locales Available locales
slugs Slug-specific conversion rules based into ASCII-only characters
title Title of the site installation


Info about the current language for the Panel UI, either the Panel's default language or based on currently authenticated user's setting.

Key Description
code Locale code
data Object of translated strings
direction Whether ltr or rtl (right-to-left)
name Name of the translation language


Current Panel URL.


Key Description
api URL to the REST API
site URL of the main site


Info on the currently authenticated user.

Key Description
email User's email address
id User id
language User's language
role User's role
username User's username


Info for the current Panel view.

Key Description
breadcrumb Array of breadcrumb items for the Panel's topbar
path Panel path segment of the view
props Props for the Vue view component
search Default search type for the view