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Kirby 3.9.8


Use the store to access and manage the Panel's state and trigger actions.

We use Vuex to ensure a consistent state of data throughout the Panel. If you have not worked with Vuex before, you should first familiarize yourself with their documentation.

How to access $store?

The Panel exposes all the store and all its modules via this.$store:

// example in the Vue component of a custom field

panel.plugin("your/display-other-field", {
  fields: {
    "other-display": {
      // …
      computed: {
        otherValue() {
          return this.$store.getters["content/values"]()["other-field"];
      // …

Main store


Key Description
isLoading Whether the Panel is currently loading something, e.g. via API
// example of store state
  isLoading: false



Sets the Panel state to loading, e.g. starts the loading spinner in the Panel's topbar.

this.$store.dispatch("isLoading", true);
this.$store.dispatch("isLoading", false);

notification module

Centrally handles all notifications shown, which can be dispatched from any part of the Panel


Key Description
type Type of the current notification (error, success)
message The notification message shown in the topbar
details Additional attributes for the notification. Not used yet
timeout Time in milliseconds until the notification gets hidden again
// example of store state
  type: "error",
  message: "The page could not be deleted",
  details: null,
  timeout: 4000



Opens a new notification

this.$store.dispatch("notification/open", {
  type: "success",
  message: "Yay, it worked",
  timeout: 5000


Triggers a success notification

this.$store.dispatch("notification/success", "Yay, it worked");


Triggers an error notification

this.$store.dispatch("notification/error", "Nooooooo!");


Closes the current notification


content module

Holds the content values of the currently viewed model (e.g. page, file, user) as well as all unsaved changes.

We are planning to refactor this in a future release, e.g. moving unsaved changes from the store (saved in localStorage) to the PHP backend (stored on the server). We will always inform you in detail of any breaking changes. Nevertheless, use with caution.


Key Description
current ID of the current model (with translation suffix)
models Array of already loaded models
status Object with enabled (bool)
// example of store state
  current: "pages/notes+a-great-post/?language=en",
  models: {
    "pages/notes+a-great-post/?language=en": {
      api: "…",
      originals: {
        categories: "long read, weekend, travel"
      changes: {
        categories: "long read, weekend, at home"
    "users/hjk343n": {
      api: "…",
      originals: {
        name: "Homer Simpson"
      changes: {}
  status: {
    enabled: false


Key Parameters Description
exists id Checks if a model exists in the store
hasChanges id (optional) Checks if a model has unsaved changes
id id Returns ID (current or provided) with correct language suffix
isCurrent id Checks if specified ID is the current model
model id (optional) Returns the full model object
originals id (optional) Returns all original values (as in content file) for a model
changes id (optional) Returns all unsaved changes for a model
values id (optional) Returns all values for a model (originals updated with unsaved changes)


this.$store.dispatch("content/update", ["myField", "newValue"])
Key Parameters Description
clear Removes all unsaved changes
create model Create a store entry for a model
current id Set the current model
disable Disable content forms
enable Enable content forms
move [oldId, newId] Move a store entry for a model
remove id Remove a model from store
revert id (optional) Discard unsaved changes for a model
save id (optional) Update content file for a model
update [field, value, id] (id optional) Update a field value for a model