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Kirby 3.9.8

GET /api/site/children

List all subpages

Query parameters

Parameter Example Description
limit limit=5|null Limits the number of returned pages.
offset offset=10|null Sets a manual offset. Use the page option together with limit for easier pagination.
page page=2|null Starts the collection at the given page. Only works when the limit is set.
pretty pretty=true|null Pretty prints the result. Only useful for debugging.
select select=id,title|null Defines the fields that will be returned for each page.
status status=all|null Filters the pages by status (all, listed, unlisted, published, draft).

Site fields

The following fields are available in the site model and can be fetched with the select parameter:

  • blueprint
  • children
  • content
  • drafts
  • files
  • options
  • previewUrl
  • title
  • url